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A new approach to tackle fake news amid LA wildfires


A new approach to tackle fake news amid LA wildfires

The deadly wildfires in Los Angeles last month were almost unprecedented in their ferocity, but the flames and the devastation weren't the only things the city had to deal with.

The disaster was compounded by a storm of misinformation, from discredited claims from President Donald Trump himself to AI images of the famous Hollywood sign on fire.

The authorities turned their attention to putting an end to the false narratives, such as setting up a Facts page and reactivating its online rumour response site.

Find out in this edition of Fact Focus.

Fact Focus

RTHK’s new podcast focusing on dispelling misinformation, disinformation and fake news.

Don't take for granted unverified claims and believe everything you see.

Each episode, we'll focus on a couple of viral posts that are making false claims and set the record straight.
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